Welcome to The Danish Fisherwomen :-)

Two teens from a city where nobody seems to have teeth. Both comedy fans and are obsessed with James Morrison. We are The Danish Fisherwomen, enjoy (:

Thursday, 23 July 2009

45 Random things to do this summer

1. Play snap in a random field last thing at night.
2. Go to a random field with an ipod and have a picnic as the sun's setting.
3. Go to a free festival and dance like loonies.
4. Have a word of the day every day and use it at least five times.
5. Take a photo of yourself every day (if you can) to see if you have a tan.
6. Find a song you love, have it as your summer song and listen to it everyday.
7. Learn how to say hello in 20 different languages.
8. Have a movie night where you and some friends have pizzas and party snacks and watch lots of Disney films.
9. Keep a diary and write in it twice a day, or once at night so it's a full day's worth.
10. Create your signature/autograph, take a picture of it, put it on bebo/facebook/twitter etc and have the caption as 'Just in case I get famous'.
11. Create your family tree.
12. Keep some grass from every field you go through.
13. Leave a random pile of grass somewhere.
14. Draw a portrait of someone, e.g eachother, and if there's 4 of you, in pairs.
15. Make a homemade present - like a photo frame - and card and give it to someone for their birthday.
16. Bake a cake.
17. Invite everyone doing the 100 random things over for dinner/tea and prepare it yourself.
18. Go out with friends colour coordinated with eachother, wearing matching hats.
19. Tidy someone's bedroom for them.
20. Make pasta from scratch.
21. Go somewhere with someone, take loads of pictures with them, make a collage of the pictures, and hang it on their wall.
22. Give someone a nickname and insist on calling them it every time you see then, no matter how embarrassing.
23. Make up a secret handshake and use it.
24. Buy a pen from every tourist attraction you visit.
25. Create a smiley face out of fruit, place it on your own face, and get someone to take a picture.
26. Tell someone you love them everyday.
27. Hug someone everyday.
28. Have a section on your bebo/facebook/twitter etc that tells you what you're doing each day and change it every day.
29. Write down everything you hope to have achieved by the time you are 35 (or any other age)
30. Create a new word, think of a meaning for it, use it on bebo/facebook/twitter etc + msn and see if you start a new trend.
31. Get up as early as you can every day so you have the whole day to do stuff.
32. Play at least 7 games of rounders with at least 4 people.
33. For each of your friends, write down three reasons why you love them.
34. Completely randomly, give someone a lecture on your views of politics.
35. Make a list of your favourite names, pick your absolute favourite, and call someone it for a day.
36. Write a song with friends, make a music video for it, and put it on YouTube, or just make a random video and put it on YouTube.
37. Meet someone new.
38. Ride in a wheelbarrow/Have a wheelbarrow race.
39. Have a huge water fight.
40. Find a picture of a house & some furniture and make a collage of your perfect house.
41. Run down a hill barefoot.
42. Roll down a hill.
43. Get a grass stain at some point.
44. Get a new obsession with a comedian/musician and quote them at every available opportunity
45. Compile all of your favourite lyrics/lines/quotes in a list

Rachel (Webmistress) with help from a guy called Ryan (nothing to do with the blog really...)

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