Welcome to The Danish Fisherwomen :-)

Two teens from a city where nobody seems to have teeth. Both comedy fans and are obsessed with James Morrison. We are The Danish Fisherwomen, enjoy (:

Saturday, 11 July 2009

This is a random rant but...

What is it with all the chavs suddenly using speak like 'ROFL' and pretending they're into stuff they clearly don't know anything about? Classic example: massive chav stating that they like Half Man Half Biscuit. Now for those that don't know who Half Man Half Biscuit are, they're a rock band known for their satiric, sardonic and occasionally surreal music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxR0JY-FMh8) and most definitely not for being in da hud or whatever they say these days.

It seems that chav has now moved onto indie/scene/emo/sad act - and to be honest, it's terribly annoying. It's unacceptable to be an intelligent, naturally humourous and lovely human being yet it's suddenly fine for the idiots of the Earth to start spouting crap like on Facebook: '
Favourite books: dunt read find it rather sad'.
And it's utterly unfathomable how they can get away with dressing like rejected Topshop models but also wearing the latest Nike Airs and tracksuit bottoms matched with an Adidas jacket whenever meeting friends. To be honest, if one of my friends walked up to me wearing Nike Airs, tracksuit bottoms and one of those hideous Adidas jackets when just randomly going to the cinema, I'd probably either scream or run away from them through fear of getting either stabbed, or brainwashed.

When did it become suddenly uncool to be a normal human being? Why do people our age seem to think it's only cool if you look exactly the same as the next person and try too hard to be something you're never going to be? Why can't we accept that natual intelligence, warmth, humour and friendship is SO much better than unnatural stupidity, 'hardness', irritablility and being an absolute moron?

And if by chance I've offended anyone, I'm sure you'll spam us with your 'ard comments about how we're nerds and geeks - get over it guys, we have.

Rachel (Webmistress)

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